Maple Syrup - Quart (32 oz)


Maple Syrup - Quart (32 oz)


Taste natures sweetener all natural right from our maple trees.The only ingredient being concentrated maple sap.  Syrup is graded according to its flavor and color. The dark syrups have a stronger maple flavor, while the lighter syrups tend to be much sweeter. Its a personal preference. 
Golden Color & Delicate Taste: Usually made in the early part of the sugaring season and has a mild maple flavor.

Amber Color & Rich Taste: A bit darker and has a fuller maple flavor than Golden Amber.

Dark Color & Robust Taste:  Made later in the sugaring season as the weather turns warmer and has a full-bodied maple flavor.

Very Dark Color & Strong Taste: Made at the end of the sugaring season and has a strong maple flavor.  Best to be used for cooking or baking.

Pure Maple Grade:
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